Angel studio

We are a group of individuals that have together for over a decade strived for greater personal development and growth. Through various techniques of yoga, meditation, and all kinds of workshops, we have developed our emotional and spiritual intelligence and in this way recognized the deeper meaning of life, its higher values and sense. Our recognitions are put into actions, which we realize through various creative projects. Angel Studio leads and inspires Mrs. Snežana Divjak.

Our Angel Studio is a place of co-creation, where we produce a common energy creative field, where each individual gives all he can. With this joint energy, we, at the same time open to a bigger and higher idea, which has never before occurred to either of us. We are grateful for this present and the possibility to share this space and donate our created works for the welfare of others. With our projects we are part of the foundation ‘Believe in yourself and kickstart the world’. More information on the foundation you can find at:

The foundation ‘Believe in yourself and kickstart the world’, is the only Slovenian voluntary humanitarian fund, which does not spend even a cent of donated funds for its operation. It deals exclusively with the aid of schooling of children in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world. The foundation is supported, guided and propelled only by willing volunteers, who pass on collected funds to those in need, for education without interventions of societies, organizations or other institutions. Our most successful efforts are in connection to enabling Tibetan children in exile with education. Because we believe that education is a fundamental human right and also a duty, the foundation has managed to raise in the last three years funds for a year of education and residence for over 500 Tibetan orphans.


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